For convenience

For convenience

# Devices.Tags.qrcode!Function.

qrcode!{T<:Coordinate}(a::AbstractString, c::Cell{T}; pixel::T=T(1), kwargs...)

Renders a QR code of the string a with pixel size pixel to cell c. The pixel size defaults to one of whatever the cell's unit is. The lower left of the QR code will be at the origin of the cell.


# Devices.Tags.radialcutFunction.

radialcut{T<:Coordinate}(r::T, Θ, c::T; narc=197)

Returns a polygon for a radial cut (like a radial stub with no metal). The polygon has to be subtracted from a ground plane.

The parameter c is made available in the method signature rather than a because the focus of the arc (top of polygon) can easily centered in a waveguide. If it is desirable to control a instead, use trig: a/2 = c*tan(Θ/2).

Parameters as follows, where X marks the origin and nothing above the origin is part of the resulting polygon:

                        ╱ │ ╲
                       ╱  |  ╲
                 .    ╱   │Θ/2╲
                .    ╱    │----╲
               ╱    ╱   c │     ╲
              ╱    ╱      │      ╲
             ╱    ╱       │       ╲
            r    ╱        │        ╲
           ╱    ╱         │         ╲
          ╱    ╱──────────X──────────╲
         ╱    ╱ {──────── a ────────} ╲
        .    ╱                         ╲
       .    ╱                           ╲
           ╱                             ╲
          ╱                               ╲
         ╱                                 ╲
         ──┐                             ┌──
           └──┐                       ┌──┘
              └──┐                 ┌──┘
                 └──┐           ┌──┘
                    (circular arc)


# Devices.Tags.radialstubFunction.

radialstub{T<:Coordinate}(r::T, Θ, c::T, t::T; narc=197)

See also the documentation for radialcut.

Returns a polygon for a radial stub. The polygon has to be subtracted from a ground plane, and will leave a defect in the ground plane of uniform width t that outlines the (metallic) radial stub. r refers to the radius of the actual stub, not the radius of the circular arc bounding the ground plane defect. Likewise c has an analogous meaning to that in radialcut except it refers here to the radial stub, not the ground plane defect.


# Devices.Tags.checkerboardFunction.

checkerboard{T<:Coordinate}(pixsize::T=10.; rows=28, kwargs...)

Generate a checkerboard pattern suitable for contrast curve measurement, or getting the base dose for BEAMER PEC. Returns a uniquely named cell with the rendered polygons inside.

Note that the tip radius of the Ambios XP-2 profilometer in the KNI is 2.5μm.


# Devices.Tags.pecbasedoseFunction.


Generate lines and spaces suitable for obtaining the base dose for BEAMER PEC (100 keV on Si).

To do: Modify to be more flexible for other substrates, beam energies, etc.


# Devices.Tags.surf1dFunction.

surf1d(length, width, contour_fn; zbins=20, step=1., max_seg_len=1.)

Given length and width of a rectangular patch, this generates a mesh for 3D surface PEC according to a particular contour function contour_fn. The meshing is done in the length direction (+y). The number of bins (layers) can be controlled with zbins, the maximum step change in the resist height is given by step, and the max_seg_len is the maximum segment length in the mesh.
